
Menu for June 30, 2023

June 29, 2023by Kate

Week 1 was a good start! I’m so appreciative of your orders, enthusiasm, patience, and all the good juju. Thank you. 

Y’all, the farmers I’ve met aren’t just talented and hard working, they’re also kind and supportive. It’s inspiring and humbling. Maine producers in week 1 kits are…  

Week 2 ordering starts on Blue Hill FarmDrop tomorrow. Scroll down for your menu. 

Heads up for when you retrieve your kits… each kit is likely to have items needing pantry storage and others needing cold storage. So, your kit may be in multiple pieces (for example, pantry kit elements would be labeled “1/2” and cold storage items, in a cooler, would be packed together and labeled “2/2”). Make sure you get all your goodies. When you get home, the cold items need to be put in your refrigerator (marked with a mitten icon) or the freezer (marked with a snowflake icon). I hope that makes sense, but send along any and all thoughts on how to make it clear. 

One final note for your… amusement? The recipe cards are formatted to work for two kinds of cooks… those who like to prep everything before cooking (i.e. mise en place) and those who like to prep as they go (this is me, mostly).

If you’re the former, you follow steps in the left margin first, top to bottom (headings in green). Then, you follow the indented cooking steps, top to bottom (headings in red), like this… 










If you’re like me, you start at the top and work your way down, like this…










May your selections be hard, your cooking be fun, and your appetites be satisfied. Cheers!


1. Egg free pasta available. 2. Gluten free pasta available.


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Locally sourced Meal Kits: for Maine, from Maine.

