The tofu from Farm and Fish this week was very tasty. The kit had a choice of chicken or tofu. I had the tofu and was delighted… interesting to eat, lots of flavor, a crunchy crust, and a little bit of heat. Good Job! (F&F Note: the tofu was by Heiwa in Rockport)
– Tofu Fan
I like the reduced amount of packaging. I like the fish choices.
– Seafood & Environment Lover
Not having to answer the life-long endless question, at least for one evening: What’s for dinner? Farm and Fish has provided me with many options to chose from. The very high quality of the ingredients, and their results. Very generous servings.
– Sufferer of Decision Fatigue
The recipes have all really impressed me. They were easy to make, tasted like they took far more effort than I actually put in, and the local ingredients are the delicious cherry on top — they just taste better.
– Experience Appreciator
The meal kit was a successful experience because it was so well organized with quality food and packaging. I found the recipes satisfying, easy to prepare, and generous in portions.
– Quality Connoisseur