
Menu for November 11, 2023

November 10, 2023by Kate

This weekend invites us to be thoughtful of, grateful for, and engaged with friends, family, neighbors, and strangers who have served our great and ever-evolving democratic experiment. I’m grateful for what their work has afforded us, and I celebrate the many who have gone on to serve our communities in so many ways after their retirement. I also lament the toll it’s taken on so many, and I hope that our collective efforts to support and serve them back grow and improve.  If you’re a service member, please use “honor” at checkout, and we’ll deduct $10 from your meal kit order. It’s a small, small, small token compared to what so many have contributed and sacrificed, but hopefully it’s symbolic of appreciation and respect. 

Farm & Fish is available through three FarmDrop Market Hubs:

  • Blue Hill (with pickups and home delivery available in Belfast/Northport, Brooksville, Brooklin, Castine, Blue Hill, and Bucksport). 
  • MDI
  • Deer Isle

They are all open now, and they close at midnight on Monday.

May your selections be hard, your cooking be fun, and your appetites be satisfied. 

Veterans, thank you for your service.



Newsletter Form

Locally sourced Meal Kits: for Maine, from Maine.

